Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Another recommendation

It's been a while since I last wrote and I apologise for that. It's mainly because I'm in Swansea with no phone (long and boring story = lack of a charger), which means no photographs and I'm reluctant to update what's happening without letting you see it too!

Also, what IS happening isn't much to write home about. I've almost finished one more square and have done diddly squat with the patterns because I've been writing so much. So there you are, a blog post with no real purpose. How exciting.

So to liven things up a bit I thought I'd let you know about one of the inspirations behind my pattern adventure. It's the Knitting Daily website and e-newsletter that gets posted to my inbox every day. It's one of the few emails I really look forward to reading and there are often free patterns included within it. If you're interested in knitting, crocheting or felting in any way I highly recommend it!



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