Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Another recommendation

It's been a while since I last wrote and I apologise for that. It's mainly because I'm in Swansea with no phone (long and boring story = lack of a charger), which means no photographs and I'm reluctant to update what's happening without letting you see it too!

Also, what IS happening isn't much to write home about. I've almost finished one more square and have done diddly squat with the patterns because I've been writing so much. So there you are, a blog post with no real purpose. How exciting.

So to liven things up a bit I thought I'd let you know about one of the inspirations behind my pattern adventure. It's the Knitting Daily website and e-newsletter that gets posted to my inbox every day. It's one of the few emails I really look forward to reading and there are often free patterns included within it. If you're interested in knitting, crocheting or felting in any way I highly recommend it!


Monday, 9 March 2009

Monday Monday

NOTE: Comments are working again now! Just click the link at the bottom of the post that says '0 comments' or hopefully more than 0...

Despite working from home and often taking a Wednesday and Thursday off instead of the weekend a Monday morning still feels more hectic than any other. In terms of knitting I've set my sights a bit higher this week. Once I've finished the square I started last night I'll be looking seriously at starting to write some patterns.

They're going to [have to] be incredibly simple to begin with. I'm giving a friend a choice between patterns as she'll be keeping the finished articles and obviously I want them to be of use or enjoyment. So far I'm thinking that a moss stitch sleeveless pullover or a set of knitted and stuffed skittles and a ball would be the simplest yet nicest ideas. Otherwise I was thinking some simple mittens tied together with iCord or a tube from a Knitting Nancy so that they can be threaded through a jacket.

It's proving quite difficult to come up with some truly unique ideas that I won't be stealing from anyone else and the real challenge will be writing the pattern but I'm excited to do it, make the mistakes and make it perfect again. In the end I'll have a nice collection of .PDF patterns for you all to download :)

Oh by the way, I know I go on about the Vogue Knitting book all the time so I thought I'd make it more accessible to you - here's a link to the Vogue Knitting website that has a selection of the stitches and techniques for you to follow:
Vogue Knitting Stitch Library

Lucy x