Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Catch Up

I've recently been diagnosed with a stomach infection (Helicobacter Pylori) and was prescribed antibiotics last week, that made me horribly ill and four days in I had to give up. I'm almost completely recovered now but it meant a LOT of TV, absolutely no work and very little knitting!

Despite that I have been working on a two pieces of knitting. These are essentially cylindrical covers for containers, which I've used to store my knitting and crochet needles, as well as scissors, pens and pencils. I used an empty Tetley Earl Grey pot and a similar one (slightly wider) that held those long cigar-type biscuits you have with ice cream (all suggestions on what these are called welcome!). The pattern is VERY simple; I just knitted a square that went all the way around these pots and sewed it together when finished. Here's one that's just been cast off:

I don't know if you can see, but I've managed to knit a diagonal pattern. Okay, so it may be zig-zag in places, but being a beginner I tend to make mistakes. What was odd was that the mistake turned out to be a blessing as I was trying to knit double moss stitch, but got it wrong and discovered something completely new! I later worked out that I'd simply picked up one stitch somewhere, resulting in this....

CO 61 stitches (or any multiple of 6 stitches + 1). You could choose 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, 37, 43, 49, 55, 61 etc. depending on how wide the pot is. Try to use circular needles, so that once you've cast on you can measure the length against the pot itself. Don't make it too long or the cover will be loose (like mine on the right).

R1 - *K2, P2. Repeat from * to end.
R2 - Repeat R1
R3 - *P2, K2. Repeat from * to end.
R4 - Repeat R3.



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