Tuesday, 31 August 2010

It's Here!

Okay so 'it' has been here for a few days now, but I'm glad to say I've already had five sales. Yes, that's right, I have an...

The majority of sales there have been crocheted breasts, which are teaching aids for student midwives, midwives, doulas, health visitors etc. to teach new Mum how to breastfeed. Each one takes pretty much exactly one hour of repetitive spirals, but it's so therapeutic, especially when you loop the last stitch on the nipple! I've placed an order with Deramores* for some different coloured yarns, so that I can start selling Caucasian, African-American and Asian breasts.

This will have to be a short post as I need to get to bed (and sew an ear onto a baby beanie first). But here's the latest addition to my Etsy shop...

Enjoy! x

*Deramores - an awesome site. I won their competition on twitter a couple of weeks ago and won this: Baby Cashmerino


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